Review Requests
Erika: Closed
Nikki: Open
Nikki: Open
Reviewing books is a hobby of mine. If you have asked me to review a book and I have accepted you can expect a review within 4-6 weeks after I've received the book. If the book is an ARC a review will be posted 1-2 weeks before the release date, unless specified. I reserve the right to not finish a book and if I don't finish it, then I also have the right to not write a review. Reviews will be posted on here, BookLikes, and on Goodreads.
Preferred Genres:
- Fantasy
- Dystopian
- Paranormal
- Science fiction
Genres I don't review by request
- Manga
- Middle Grade
- Non fiction
- Adult
Accepted Formats
- eBooks- epub and PDFs
- ARCs
Like Erika, reviewing books is a hobby of mine. Emphasis on the "hobby". I will read any book that I have accepted, but there is no defined turnaround time. I used to do that, but I found it too stressful being told what to do and it took the enjoyment out of reading. Reviews will be posted here and on Goodreads.
Preferred Genres:
- Fantasy
- Sci-Fi
- Mystery
- Historical Fiction
Genres I don't review by request
- Middle Grade
- Non fiction
- Adult
Accepted Formats
- ARCs
I've tried reading ebooks and I just can't do it. They're too distracting to read.

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for the Books uses images from Goodreads for book covers. Some images
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FTC notice
Living for the Books will receive books for review from publishers or
authors. This has not influenced the reviews, no compensation is given,
and reviews are marked with a similar note.