Monday, September 3, 2012

Beautiful Blogger Award

I've been nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award by Cassandra Giovanni! Thanks for nominating me!  I'm honored to accept this award. I've been following Cassandra on her blog and I know her from Goodreads. She's super nice and friendly. One of the nicest authors I know. You should check out her blog C Giovanni Writes.

  1. Write a little something about the Beautiful Blogger who nominated you with the award. See above. Don't forget to visit her blog!
  2.  Share 7 things about yourself.
So here's 7 things about me that you probably didn't know:
  1. I want to work in a bookstore when I'm old enough
  2. I'm a perfectionist. I can't stand it when things are disorganized.
  3. I'm making myself a bookshelf.
  4. I'm afraid of spiders
  5. I'm very indecisive. I hate making decisions unless I have a lot of time to think about it.
  6. I love sour food. I would eat a whole lemon if I was allowed to.
  7. My favorite kind of pie is blueberry! Maine blueberry pie is the BEST!
Here's the 7 blogs that I'm nominating:
  1. Frozen in Fiction
  2. Downright Dystopian
  3. Leopard Kitty Girl
  4. The Random Ranter
  5. Keepin up with the Joneses...In the Book World
  6. The Humble Watermelon
  7. #BookNerd
Make sure you visit the nominees!


  1. Congrats on the award!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination! It really means a lot. :)

  4. Thanks for the nomination, Erika! I'm glad you received this yourself! You deserved it. :D

    1. You're welcome! And thanks. You deserve it too :)

  5. Thank you so much for nominating me!!!

  6. Thank you for nominating me.. I wish I had some extra time to spread the love! You definitely deserve the award!

  7. Wow, thank you so much Erika! And congrats, because you definitely deserved this award!

    -Grace :)

  8. Thanks so much for nominating me!!! :)

  9. Here my link:

  10. Thanks for the nomination! I'm sorry I haven't been able to get back to you until now... I've been super busy! I'll be sure to get my post up soon. :D

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian


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