Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Review: Saving June by Hannah Harrington

Saving June by Hannah Harrington
Published: November 22, 2011
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Pages: 336
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Synopsis: "If she’d waited less than two weeks, she’d be June who died in June. But I guess my sister didn’t consider that."

Harper Scott’s older sister has always been the perfect one so when June takes her own life a week before her high school graduation, sixteen-year-old Harper is devastated. Everyone’s sorry, but no one can explain why.

When her divorcing parents decide to split her sister’s ashes into his-and-her urns, Harper takes matters into her own hands. She’ll steal the ashes and drive cross-country with her best friend, Laney, to the one place June always dreamed of going, California.

Enter Jake Tolan. He’s a boy with a bad attitude, a classic-rock obsession and nothing in common with Harper’s sister. But Jake had a connection with June, and when he insists on joining them, Harper’s just desperate enough to let him. With his alternately charming and infuriating demeanor and his belief that music can see you through anything, he might be exactly what she needs.

Except June wasn’t the only one hiding something. Jake’s keeping a secret that has the power to turn Harper’s life upside down again.

My Review: This is my second book by Hannah Harrington and I have to say that I have yet to be disappointed by her writing. Saving June was powerful and at some parts it made my heart ache. 

I loved how Harper travels to California for her sister. It was so sweet and her grief for her sister was so real. I didn't exactly feel bad for Harper because even though she was going through a tough time I found her annoying at some parts. I get that she's broken because of her sister's death but that does not give a her an excuse to be rude to everyone. That was my only problem with this book.

I absolutely loved the other characters in this story, especially Jake. It must be because I'm just a hopeless romantic that loves music. Jake and Harper were so perfect together. They may argue and annoy each other, but they also connected. There was no insta love. They actually started out hating each other. The romance actually wasn't the main part of this book, which was nice because as much as I love romance, I also hate it when I read too much about it.

I also loved how music was used in this book. I think that it just added a whole level to this book. 
“He took his pain and turned it into something beautiful. Into something that people connect to. And that's what good music does. It speaks to you. It changes you.” 
There's so many quotes about music in this book that I just love, but it would take forever to find them all and then write them down so I'll just leave you with that one.

The road trip that Harper, Jake, and Laney went on was the main part of the book. Normally I'm not a fan of traveling like that, but I loved how the road trip to California was done. It wasn't rushed, but it also didn't seem to drag. I think the main thing that really made me love this book was why they went on the trip.

*I received this book from the publisher. Thank you!

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